Tory backtracking and gimmicks

4 October, 2023Allen Valleys, Branches, Bywell, Callerton & Throckley, Campaigns, Corbridge, Education, Elections, General Election, Haltwhistle, Hexham, Hexham Climate Emergency, Home page featured, News, Parliamentary Candidate, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall, Prudhoe & District, Transport, Work, Economy & Environment

The Conservative Party Conference in Manchester has surfaced yet again all of the divisions and lurches to the right that characterise Rishi Sunak’s government. The PM himself has engaged in a strange kind of political pantomime over HS2. This High Speed Rail Link, originally intended to link London with Leeds and Manchester via Birmingham, was … Read More

Dinner and Conversation to unseat Opperman

23 September, 2023Branches, Callerton & Throckley, General Election, Home page featured, News, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall

Hexham Constituency Labour Party held a successful fundraising dinner at Newton Community Hall on Friday 22nd September. There was a capacity crowd with Labour Party members and supporters from all over the Constituency in attendance. There was a particularly warm welcome to members from Throckley and Longhorsley who have joined the CLP following recent boundary … Read More

Hexham CLP Hitting the Streets

9 September, 2023Branches, Campaigns, General Election, Haltwhistle, Hexham, Home page featured, News, Parliamentary Candidate, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall, Prudhoe & District

It’s been an unseasonably hot week in September (more evidence perhaps of our pressing climate emergecy). The Tory government started the week on the ropes as revelation after revelation about the catastrophic concrete crisis in our schools broke in the press. Then the Conservatives found that no one wanted to bid in their offshore wind … Read More

North East falls behind in GCSEs

25 August, 2023Allen Valleys, Branches, Bywell, Callerton & Throckley, Campaigns, Corbridge, Education, Elections, General Election, Haltwhistle, Hexham, Home page featured, News, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall, Prudhoe & District, Work, Economy & Environment, Youth

Yesterday thousands of 16 year olds received their GCSEs and other Level 2 qualifications across Northumberland, the North East and the rest of England. Nothing should take away from their achievements, which are the result of their hard work and the dedication of their teachers. At Hexham CLP we congratulate all of those students and … Read More

Labour at the Allendale Agricultural Show

19 August, 2023Allen Valleys, Branches, Campaigns, Elections, Featured, General Election, Hexham Climate Emergency, Home page featured, News, Transport

The Allen Valleys Labour Party Supporters’ Group held a Labour Party stall at the Allendale Agricultural Show today. Local members and supporters on the stall chatted with friends, neighbours, local people and visitors to the area about a range of issues including bus services, affordable housing, the cost of living crisis, the water quality in … Read More

Heavy rainfall sparks sewage alert

15 August, 2023Branches, Bywell, Corbridge, Elections, General Election, Haltwhistle, Health, Hexham, Hexham Climate Emergency, Home page featured, News, Prudhoe & District, Work, Economy & Environment

Heavy rain across the North East over the last few days has made for a miserable August and difficult driving conditions. What’s worse is that all of that rain runs into our rivers and oceans through networks of drains and sewers. Massive under-investment by our privatised water companies and repeated lack of action by the … Read More

Shadow Minister visits Prudhoe in election push

5 August, 2023Branches, Bywell, Campaigns, General Election, Home page featured, News, Prudhoe & District, Women

Anneliese Dodds, the Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities and Chairperson of the Labour Party, visited Prudhoe this week. Speaking to Labour Party members she emphasised the Tories’ disastrous 13 years in power, their broken promises, failed policies and economic mismanagement as interest rates soared again for the fourteenth time in a row. The polls … Read More

Sunak’s bet on dirty fossil fuels an error

31 July, 2023Branches, Campaigns, Elections, Featured, General Election, Hexham Climate Emergency, Home page featured, News, Work, Economy & Environment

The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak today announced 100 new oil and gas exploration licences in the North Sea and carbon capture schemes. He claimed that these risky bets on fossil fuel extraction and unproven carbon capture technologies were justified in the name of energy resilience. The gas and oil extracted from any new North Sea … Read More

Campaigning in Stocksfield

8 July, 2023Branches, Bywell, Campaigns, Elections, General Election, Home page featured, News, Parliamentary Candidate, Prudhoe & District

We’ll be out and about this week knocking on doors and listening to the concerns of residents in Stocksfield. There’s real unhappiness with Guy Opperman and the Conservative Party. We want to work with everyone who wants to build a better, fairer Britain. 

Under the Tories we have seen local services cut, pollution increase in our rivers, a devastating cost of living crisis and a huge increase in local child poverty and foodbank usage.  Three million miles of bus journeys have been lost in Northumberland; our roads suffer from lack of funding and the Conservative government has failed both our police officers and victims of crime. 

Labour has a real chance to win in the Hexham Constituency after 13 years’ of Conservative failure.

Opperman voted to cut our vital local services

28 June, 2023Allen Valleys, Branches, Bywell, Campaigns, Corbridge, Education, Elections, General Election, Groups, Haltwhistle, Hexham, Home page featured, News, Parliamentary Candidate, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall, Prudhoe & District, Women, Youth

Since 2010, Guy Opperman’s Conservative government has systematically cut the money allocated to councils to provide the vital services we all need in Northumberland. It has been calculated by the Institute for Government these cuts by central government have reduced grants to local government in real terms by 37% between 2010 and 2020. That’s from … Read More

Labour offers mortgage help in the face of interest rate catastrophe

22 June, 2023Branches, Campaigns, Elections, General Election, Home page featured, News

With interest rates set to be hiked again a mortgage catastrophe is engulfing homeowners. Labour plans to help struggling mortgage holders and calm the crisis. Labour accused Chancellor Jeremy Hunt of standing by as millions suffer by taking the softer approach of just asking lenders to go further in supporting struggling borrowers. Keir Starmer clashed … Read More

Campaigning for Labour in Heddon on the Wall

17 June, 2023Branches, Campaigns, Elections, General Election, Home page featured, News, Ponteland & Heddon on the Wall

  Labour Party members have been out and about campaigning for a Labour Government in Heddon on the Wall. We’ve been delivering leaflets and talking with our neighbours about politics and the issues that impact their lives. There’s a lot of disillusionment on the doorstep with the Tories and enthusiasm for Labour and our policies. … Read More